Monday, April 20, 2020

White House Chiefs of Staff, 1969-2020 (as of April 20, 2020)

Chief of Staff                                      Tenure              President                      Party
Harry Robbins (H.R.) Haldeman          1969-73         Nixon                           Republican
Alexander M. Haig, Jr.                        1973-74         Nixon                           Republican
Donald H. Rumsfeld                             1974-75         Ford                             Republican
Richard M. Cheney                              1975-77         Ford                             Republican
William Hamilton M. Jordan                1979-80         Carter                          Democratic
Jack H. Watson, Jr.                              1980-81         Carter                          Democratic
James A. Baker III                                1981-85         Reagan                        Republican
Donald T. Regan                                  1985-87         Reagan                        Republican
Howard H. Baker, Jr.                           1987-88         Reagan                        Republican
Kenneth M. Duberstein                         1988-89         Reagan                        Republican
John H. Sununu                                     1989-91         G.H.W. Bush                Republican
Samuel K. Skinner                                1991-92         G.H.W. Bush                Republican
James A. Baker III                                1992-93         G.H.W. Bush                Republican
Thomas F. McLarty III                           1993-94         Clinton                         Democratic
Leon E. Panetta                                    1994-97         Clinton                         Democratic
Erskine B. Bowles                                 1997-98         Clinton                         Democratic
John D. Podesta                                   1998-01         Clinton                         Democratic
Andrew H. Card, Jr.                            2001-06         G.W. Bush                   Republican
Joshua B. Bolten                                   2006-09         G.W. Bush                   Republican
Rahm I. Emanuel[1]                                 2009-10         Obama                        Democratic
William M. Daley                                2011-12         Obama                        Democratic
Jacob J. Lew                                        2012-13         Obama                        Democratic
Denis R. McDonough                            2013-17         Obama                        Democratic
Reinhold R. “Reince” Priebus                2017               Trump                          Republican
John F. Kelly                                        2017-19         Trump                          Republican
John “Mick” Mulvaney[2]                        2019-20         Trump                          Republican
Mark R. Meadows                               2020-p            Trump                          Republican

[1] After Emanuel left his post to run for mayor of Chicago, Senior Adviser Peter M. Rouse served as interim chief of staff from October 1, 2010, to January 13, 2011.
[2] Had title “Acting Chief of Staff”

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